Speakers of 2023 edition

Mateusz Szczurek, CFA Society Poland Annual Conference

Mateusz Szczurek, PhD

Lead Economist CEE

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Mateusz Szczurek is the Lead EU Economist at the EBRD, a member of the European Fiscal Board, and an adjunct professor at the Warsaw University. He served as the Polish Minister of Finance in the governments of successive prime ministers Donald Tusk and Ewa Kopacz from 2013 to 2015. Named CEE Minister of Finance of the Year 2014 by Euromoney and Europe’s Finance Minister of the Year 2015 by The Banker magazine. He Co-chaired the finance ministers’ EPP group in 2015. From 2011, Mateusz Szczurek was ING Bank’s chief economist for Central and Eastern Europe and for Poland from 1997-2011, an expert of CASE, and the Polish representative to the Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD. Born on 11 August 1975, he holds a doctorate and MA from the University of Sussex and degrees from Warsaw and Columbia University.



CFA Society Poland powstało w 2004 r. i jest jedną z największych społeczności członkowskich międzynarodowego CFA Institute w regionie CEE. CFA Society Poland rozpowszechnia i realizuje najwyższe standardy etyczne oraz edukacyjne w branży inwestycyjnej w Polsce. CFA Society Poland jest organizacją skupiającą profesjonalistów, mających związek z szeroko pojętym dokonywaniem inwestycji i zarządzaniem finansami.